Why Intelligence Increases When You Think Less

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Molecular Thoughts Intelligence increases when you think less

Guy Claxton in his book “Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind” argues that the mind works at different speeds. Some of its functions may be performed at lightening speed, others take seconds, minutes or even days to complete.

Some of these processes can be speeded up, like we can become quicker at crossword puzzles and math. Other processes cannot be rushed. We need to learn to respect these slower processes and give them the time they need. It is these slower, deeper thought processes that often enables us to lead fulfilling, deliberate lives.

The society we live in seems to operative on the motto “Think fast, we need the results”. This may sometimes be counterproductive.

Each individual learns, thinks and knows in different ways. These modes of mind operate at different speeds and are good for different mental jobs.

The proverbs, “He who hesitates is lost”…

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